Case Study – Credit Union Services Company

Abilita was engaged by a credit union service organization to source, design and implement a 75 node strategic networking platform with coverage across the United States.

During the course of this engagement, Abilita performed the following:

    • Gathered information about the existing network topology (5 separate networks with differing networking platforms)
    • Gathered current and future network requirements from 5 separate units within the organization
    • Developed network specifications for all the business units
    • Created and issued a Request for Proposal to Tier 1 network providers that included primary network requirements, backup circuitry requirements and data encryption requirements
    • Reviewed, analyzed and sought clarification of the RFP responses
    • Evaluated the RFP responses and presented the Organization with the recommended two finalists that included a primary MPLS network solution, an integrated backup solution and a data encryption solution
    • Provided network pre-design services and implementation plan considerations
    • Performed final negotiation of Price and Contract Details including commitments and service level agreements.
    • Project managed implementation of all three network components – primary circuits, an auto failover solution and an end to end encryption solution – and provided final design assistance.

Implementation of this new strategic network will reduce monthly operating network costs for this client by more than 30% while adding end to end encryption and an auto fail-over backup solution, characteristics that were not available in the old network environment.

admin@abilita.comClient – Credit Union Services Company