Moving Forward in the New Normal
It has been a trying time for everyone and every organization. Regardless of your business – things have changed. Employees have been told to stay away from their offices. But work still needs to be done. Customers/Clients still need to be contacted and relationships maintained.
What we have found is that most organizations have had to make these technical changes in a triage scenario. There wasn’t time to make these changes in a planned and controlled method. Instead, things had to be up and running over night. If not – business would be impacted, projects halted, revenue lost, employees frustrated.
Hopefully your organization has survived the triage time and you are moving to a longer-term strategy. Either thinking of returning to “normal”, or perhaps realizing that this may be a good time to re-evaluate your technical and communications infrastructure to support the “new normal”.
Here are a few things that we suggest you consider:
- What are the security concerns to your data as a result of the work from home scenario?
- Has your network been impacted due to an increase (or a decrease) in bandwidth usage?
- Have you been assured that your remote workers can access E911 services if using the corporate infrastructure and resources?
- Have there been new services added ad-hoc in order to support the transition?
- Will these be short term or is it possible that this will become the new normal?
- What are the technical and financial implications of these changes going forward?
Budgets may need to be re-evaluated and expenses reduced. This may be a good time to review existing contracts to determine if there are areas that can be modified to better reflect your situation going forward.
We at Abilita are professionals in these areas and are here to provide whatever assistance we can during these times. We don’t sell you telecom or technical services or products, but can listen to your concerns and help you determine the right course for your organization.
Click here to schedule a no obligation 10-minute discussion to help the you determine the right course for your organization