Press Release

Moving Beyond POTS
Our industry has been inundated with news about the demise of POTS (Plain Old Telephone...

Here is why you should review your wireless spend!
Many times, the work from home and work from anywhere approach to maintain business continuity...

Top 10 Times for a Communications Technology Review
It’s never a bad time to review your organization’s communications technology expenses, and never a...

The Sun is Setting on Older Phone Services
Are you aware? old phone lines connecting legacy systems, fax machines, elevators, fire/security alarms are...

You WILL Profit from a Technology Audit
There isn’t any doubt that 2020 will be deemed “the year of the pandemic”. It...

Enhanced 911 – Are You Ready?
Consider this: an employee at your office has a heart attack after normal working hours...

Boost your Bottom Line and Productivity
How would a 25% reduction in telecom costs help your bottom line? Covid-19 has caused...

Your Phone Bill Increased, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.
Beginning July 1st, US telecommunication costs increased by almost 7%!Universal Service Fund (USF) fees have increased to 26.5%,...